I'm really spoiled having a woodshop teacher for a husband. He has all the tools and knowledge to help make my vision come into being. I'm also really glad our sons all took woodshop in high school. Today Mr. Movie drilled additional holes for shelf supports in a bookcase so I could finish putting books up, and for the first time in twenty-seven years I can actually use all six shelves on both bookcases. We purchased these two unfinished bookcases at the beginning of our marriage with a profit sharing bonus I got from a former employer. They've held up surprising well through eight moves.
Now I even have some extra space should I need it. (Watch how fast that will fill up! LOL) See how nice the back corner of my living room looks with bookcases!
As for the other things I've been doing:
TopDad and I spent the week of our anniversary (June 25) in Cedar Falls, Iowa; he attended a post-graduate class at University of Northern Iowa, I stayed in the hotel room and alternated between exercising in the swimming pool, sewing, and reading. It was a wonderful vacation. (See here for the difference between a
vacation and a trip. Some of the things I completed:
Five placemats to add to the seven I completed years ago. |
A hanging towel and matching dishcloths. |
I designed the top part, the towel is made from a linen shirt. |
Another set, this towel started life as a cotton dinner napkin. I like to give a small bottle of Joy dishwashing liquid with the gift set so the recipient knows that the knitted things are dishcloths; some have thought they were hotpads. |
I love the vintage button on this one. |
We attended the local July 4th Parade to see Dandylion's last time participating in the marching band; I love my two veterans: Noble, recently discharged and returned from Korea, and my favorite Retired Marine, TopDad
Giving respect to the passing colors. |
Dandylion is the tall bass drum player in the middle.
Then just a week and a half later TopDad had his right knee replaced. We tease him about being a cyborg, or the bionic man.
I asked him if he got the license number of the guy who hit him!
He's actually doing much better and the bruising (and pooling blood) is much less today; when he concentrates he can walk almost normally. He gets the dressing off on July 28. The surgeon "super-glued" his incision. I had that done with a very minor surgery and it leaves almost no scaring. I'm eager to see how TopDad's knee does.
I have two more bookcases to move over and put up; then I can hang some plates, and other decorative items. I think then the living room will finally be done. I hope!