Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday's Frugal Roundup

Sometimes a notion strikes and you just run with it. Sometimes it turns out to a good frugal thing!

Today's notion was to clean and organize the cupboard that holds most of the bathroom stuff.

(sort of, I began and then remembered to take a photo)
One benefit of cleaning and organizing was that I found five rolls of toilet paper that I had forgotten about! FRUGAL FIND! I promptly put those in the teenagers bathroom. (Have I not said we have two teenage boy exchange students with us this year? Well, we do.)

Second benefit was that I could adjust the shelves a bit and fit a full case of TP on the top shelf, thereby freeing the space taken up in the hallway by the box of TP.

Definitions of FRUGAL:

From The Random House Dictionary 1980: economical in use or expenditure
From Oxford American Dictionary 1980: careful and economical
From Webster's Dictionary 1828: Economical in the use or appropriation of money, goods or provisions of any kind; saving unnecessary expense, either of money or of any thing else which is to be used or consumed; sparing; not profuse, prodigal or lavish.

According to Webster I'm pretty darn frugal in my use of this cupboard. I moved a few things to a tub in another closet; and moved a few things from a cupboard inside the bathroom to this cupboard so I can see exactly how much I have all together. After all, being frugal means not buying more because you can't find what you thought you had, somewhere.

Other frugal activities this week were eating up leftovers creatively; making Valentine's Day greeting cards instead of buying them (well, actually that was last week, but I didn't report it); making Cranberry Bread for a birthday present; trimming my husband's hair; picking up some small gifts for upcoming birthdays while they were on sale (the gifts, not the birthdays).

Front of Valentine card

Inside of Valentine card