Sunday, November 20, 2011

This, That and The Other

Day Nineteen/Twenty of Count Your Blessings

One day the lesson in Relief Society (church's women's group) was on keeping a journal. The young mother teaching it was passionate about journals and had many going all at once.  She has a regular journal, a gratitude journal, a baby book, a humor journal, and so on.  I can't remember all the ones she kept.  But I was impressed and over the years I've tried various things, but haven't managed to keep up anything more than a regular journal and jottings in a little notebook that I keep with me all the time.

Some time ago I began a "gratitude journal" thinking I would add to every time I thought of something I am grateful for. Here's as far as I got:
cool nights
eye candy
a clean bedroom
a package in the mail
ice cream
beautiful music

Just reading it brings up good memories and makes me feel better.  Have you ever made a list of things you're grateful for? I saw a book once that was called 14,000 things I'm Grateful For (or something like that) that was a list of everything the author was thankful for. I was impressed! I'm going to add to mine so that when I'm feeling pitiful I can look back and see how blessed I've been.

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